The Scarecrow 2009 ???
Pearl's Dreams 6

A Street Dream

Have you ever dreamed,
you have suddenly appeared almost naked on the street?
Ah, what a shame have been then! And people's laughter,... and no where to hide around...

Ha ha ha... Well, you can help Pearl of course, and have her tender gratitude. There are at least seven magic places to hide, but if you use the right magic item, and it depends on how she looks like at the moment.
Every time, you start the game, you NEVER KNEW how she appears. She may be dressed different with some important part missing, of course, or even not dressed at all. She may be not quite a girl, and not a human being. Not too bad if she is on some of her seven magic stages, but if she is in some of "those days", that women have monthly, you have really in trouble! ;)
Every time, you start the game, it may be day or may be night. The sky is different, and it may be raining, or be too hot time... Hope, you just enjoy with a bit new game every single time.

Click on thumbnails to get full size images. They'd give you some idea, what to expect to happen...

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