The Enslaved
It was thousands years ago. Nobody knows how many, because at this time the human beings were still wild, and could not read and write. They could not even count the years, since all of their years were the same. They had no homes, they had no rules. They had just lived, like the most of satyrs did till today. But still their first clash with the Beauty, and the Wisdom, was remembered and told by grand fathers to the grand sons, for many generations...
Somewhere in the center of this continent there was a marvellous strange round tower. It was like an enormous stone tree growing up from the earth's womb. Like a molten lava swirled in a giant whirlpool, then left to cool down until it crystallized in countless crystals in all colours, you can imagine, or you cant. As high, as crowns of the trees, the lava stone had changed into a carved one, with leaves, branches, and blooming flowers of the plants, well known, or unknown. The sculptures followed of all animals living now, before, or never. Higher than the highest tree became columns, arches, windows. Floor after floor till higher than the birds can fly, last floors became like made of light and melted in the air.
This was the home of one of Perfect Minds,created with his imagination only. He had filled it with all things, existed in his lost world, and with countless other ones, born by his mind for his too long life. Once, tired of his loneliness, he had deci-ded to create a New Creature, even more perfect than himself. A woman. A Beauty, that was never seen, an intelligence, such had never been. "Go and learn all about this world!" the old creator said "An when you're ready, we will become the Parents of a New Race. A race of The New Gods!" She was almost ready, when some of the wild human tribes had discovered this amazing tower, and she had discovered them. She was shocked, that creatures like her, might live like animals. So she began to teach them how to use their mind, to make their life nice. The gorgeous, shining Beauty had brought really the Light in humans night. And she had learned from them the most human thing. Love. The rage of the old man was awful. He locked her tied on the top of his tower. She suffered for some days. She cryed. Then she rose up two big white fethered wings, and flew up high in the sky. The majestic tower trembled, then crumbled into dust, and nobody ever heard about its owner... |